Karnatik Musician, Author & Activist
TM Krishna is one of the pre-eminent vocalists in the rigorous Karnatik tradition of India’s classical music. As a public intellectual, Krishna speaks and writes about issues affecting the human condition and about matters cultural. He is the Founder Trustee of Sumanasa Foundation, established in 2005, with the objective of engaging with the arts and the community. Sumanasa enables communities to develop culturally vibrant spaces and also creates platforms to present for artists and art forms from marginalized backgrounds. It helps create different avenues for artists to engage in social dialogue, and in building appreciation and interest in the arts. In 2016, Krishna received the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award in recognition of ‘his forceful commitment as artist and advocate to art’s power to heal India’s deep social divisions’. His path-breaking book A Southern Music – The Karnatik Story, published by HarperCollins in 2013 was a first-of-its-kind philosophical, aesthetic and socio-political exploration of Karnatik music. He has been part of inspiring musical productions and collaborations that are unique and unusual aesthetic conversations between art forms and communities across social spectrums.
The title and an abstract of the keynote will be added soon.
Professor and Head, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Richa Singh received her Ph.D. degree in computer science from West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA, in 2008. She is currently a Professor and Head at Department of CSE, IIT-Jodhpur, and an Adjunct Professor with IIIT-Delhi and West Virginia University, USA. She has co-edited book Deep Learning in Biometrics and has delivered keynote talks/tutorials on deep learning, trusted AI, and domain adaptation in BIOSIG2021, GTC 2021, ICCV 2017, AFGR 2017, and IJCNN 2017. Her areas of interest are pattern recognition, machine learning, and biometrics. She is a Fellow of IEEE and IAPR and a Senior Member of ACM. She was a recipient of the Kusum and Mohandas Pai Faculty Research Fellowship at the IIIT-Delhi, the FAST Award by the Department of Science and Technology, India, and several best paper and best poster awards in international conferences. She has also served as the Program Co-Chair of IJCB2020, AFGR2019 and BTAS 2016, and a General Co-Chair of ISBA 2017. Currently, she is serving as a Program Chair of CVPR2022 and ICMI2022 and General Chair of FG2021. She is also the Vice President (Publications) of the IEEE Biometrics Council and an Associate Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition, and Area/Associate Editor of several journals.
The title and an abstract of the keynote will be added soon.